Myth 1: "I Don't Need Sunscreen on Cloudy Days"
UV rays are present year-round, regardless of weather conditions. Cloud cover may reduce the intensity of UVB rays, which cause sunburn, but UVA rays, responsible for premature ageing and skin cancer, penetrate clouds with ease. Therefore, wearing face sunscreen every day, rain or shine, is essential for comprehensive UV protection.
Myth 2: "I Have Dark Skin, So I Don't Need Sunscreen"
While individuals with darker skin tones have more natural protection against UV damage than those with fair skin, they are still susceptible to sunburn, skin cancer, and premature ageing. Everyone, regardless of skin colour, should wear face sunscreen daily to safeguard against UV radiation and maintain skin health.
Myth 3: "Makeup with SPF Provides Adequate Sun Protection"
While some makeup products contain SPF, they typically do not provide sufficient protection on their own. Most people do not apply enough makeup to achieve the stated SPF level, and reapplication throughout the day is often impractical. Therefore, it's crucial to apply a dedicated face sunscreen underneath your makeup to ensure proper UV protection.
Myth 4: "Higher SPF Equals Better Protection"
While SPF (Sun Protection Factor) measures protection against UVB rays, it does not account for UVA protection. Additionally, the difference in protection between SPF 30 and SPF 50 is marginal, with SPF 30 blocking approximately 97% of UVB rays, compared to 98% for SPF 50. Instead of focusing solely on SPF, prioritise broad-spectrum sunscreens that shield against both UVA and UVB rays for comprehensive protection.
Myth 5: "I Only Need to Apply Sunscreen When I'm Outdoors"
UV radiation can penetrate glass windows, exposing your skin to harmful rays even when indoors. Daily activities such as driving or sitting near windows can lead to cumulative sun damage over time. Therefore, it's essential to incorporate face sunscreen into your morning skincare routine, regardless of your plans for the day.
Dispelling these common myths about face sunscreen underscores the importance of incorporating this vital skincare product into your daily routine. By wearing sunscreen consistently and understanding its role in protecting your skin from harmful UV radiation, you can maintain a healthy and youthful complexion for years to come.
Why Choose Natural Mum?
Elisia Florio is the proud creator of Natural Mum, which launched in December 2020. Natural Mum was created to help mums to nourish and take care of themselves, their family and home with beautiful natural and organic products and rituals. With more than 25 years of experience in the natural and organic industry Elisia’s knowledge is now here to help mums live a more natural and holistic life for themselves and their family. You can read more about Elisia’s journey here.
Welcome to Natural Mum where you're invited to take care of yourself and your family with products that nurture your soul and the earth.