Colourimetry in makeup is a technique that can help you choose the right colours for your skin type and occasion, creating a perfect harmony that enhances each person's natural beauty.
Colourimetry studies colours and their combinations, and its use in makeup can make all the difference in the final result (and who doesn't love harmonious, well-done makeup, right?)
Here, you'll find a comprehensive tutorial on colourimetry in makeup and discover which colours suit you best:
Read this blog and learn how to enhance your beauty through colourimetry in makeup!
Colourimetry in Makeup: What Is It?
Colourimetry in makeup is the application of colour theory principles in the selection and combination of products, such as foundation, concealer, blush, and lipstick, to create visual harmony on the face.
It takes into account factors such as skin tone, eye colour, and hair colour to find the colours that best suit each person.
What Is the Importance of Colourimetry in Makeup?
Colourimetry is important in makeup because colours have the power to highlight strengths and conceal imperfections.
By understanding how colours interact with each other and how they relate to each person's skin tone, it is possible to create looks that enhance natural beauty and create a harmonious appearance.
Which Colourimetry Theory Do We Use in Makeup?
In makeup, colourimetry theory plays an important role in understanding how colours interact with each other and how to choose tones that compliment the skin tone.
Colourimetry theory is based on the colour wheel, which organises colours systematically.
The colour wheel is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary colours and helps understand the relationships between different colours.
For makeup, it is common to use the theory of complementary colours. Complementary colours are those that are opposite each other on the colour wheel.
The idea is that these colours contrast with each other, which can be used to highlight certain aspects of makeup. Don't worry, we'll explain this further later on.
For example, if you want to highlight green eyes, eyeshadow shades with red or purple tones (complementary colours to green) can enhance the eye colour.
For warmer skin tones, shades of orange and bronze can complement the skin tone.
Additionally, understanding primary, secondary, and tertiary colours is also essential for creating harmonious blends and achieving the desired effect in makeup.
Keep reading to find out more.
What Is the Purpose of the Colour Wheel in Makeup?
The colour wheel is a fundamental tool in makeup because it allows for the easy identification of complementary and analogous colours.
Based on the colour wheel, we can create colour combinations for different makeup products, such as foundation, concealer, blush, and lipstick, to enhance each person's beauty.
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Colours.
Before delving into the universe of colourimetry in makeup, it is necessary to understand the basic concepts of colours.
Primary colours are red, yellow, and blue, and from them, it is possible to create secondary colours, which are orange, green, and purple.
Tertiary colours are obtained by mixing primary colours with secondary colours.
Warm and Cool Colours in Makeup: How to Choose the Right Tones for your Skin
One of the fundamental aspects of colourimetry in makeup is the distinction between warm and cool colours:
Warm colours - red, orange, and yellow - convey feelings of warmth and energy.
Cool colours - blue, green, and purple - bring a sense of calm and serenity.
To choose the right tones for the skin, it is important to consider whether it has warm or cool undertones.
Ready to enhance your beauty with colourimetry in makeup?
Colourimetry in makeup is a powerful tool to enhance each person's beauty.
By understanding the basic concepts of colours and applying colour theory in the selection and combination of products, it is possible to create harmonious looks and enhance natural features.
Now that you know what needs to be done with colourimetry in makeup. Visit the Natural Mum website and check out our range of makeup products for all skin types.
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